
Terms & Conditions

Acceptance & Availability

These Conditions regulate the legal relationship arising from the contracting processes formalised by Users through the Vogue College of Fashion website’s Madrid programme pages. Users expressly accept full and unreserved adherence to these stipulations, in the version published by Vogue College of Fashion in Spain at the time the User contracts the service in which he or she is interested. Therefore, the User undertakes to read the General Contracting Conditions carefully each time he or she proceeds to contract a service, given that they may have been modified since the last time he or she accessed them. By accepting these General Contracting Conditions, the User declares:

  1. they are a person with the capacity to contract.
  2. that they have read and accept these General Terms & Conditions.

The User will always have access, prior to the start of the service contracting procedure, to the General Contracting Conditions, which may be stored and/or reproduced on a durable medium.

Prices & Rates

The prices and rates applicable to the User’s contracting of training services will be those informed at the time the User accesses the specific service and begins the process of contracting the course.

Taxes Applied

The price of the services offered on the Website includes the corresponding Value Added Tax (VAT) depending on the contracted service.

Payment Methods

The student must pay an initial payment of 30% of the total amount of the course once registration has been made.

Payment must be made by bank transfer, contact the email:

First Payment: Registration + Student Name + Course / Second Payment: Remainder + Student Name + Course The student must pay the full price of the course within one week of the start of the course.

The remaining amount must be paid up to one week before the start of the course.

Conditions Of Sale

Vogue College of Fashion in Spain undertakes to provide the programme’s content with qualified teachers and appropriate teaching aids. Students undertake to attend classes regularly and to follow the training course to the best of their ability and to make the most of it, following the guidance they will receive from the teaching staff for this purpose.

At the end of the course, Vogue College of Fashion in Spain will issue the corresponding diploma, providing that the student has met the requirements demanded by the centre.

Vogue College of Fashion in Spain will suspend classes on public holidays, as well as those designated as such for Easter, Fiestas del Pilar, and Christmas holidays, without this implying a reduction in the cost of the course or obligation on the part of the centre to make up for them.

Vogue College of Fashion in Spain may modify the start date or cancel a course before it begins, refunding the full amount paid by the student, as established in the Refunds & Cancellations section below.

Vogue College of Fashion in Spain reserves the right to change the participating teachers, as well as modify any programme’s texts or manuals, if for pedagogical or updating reasons it deems it appropriate.

In order to start the course, the student must have paid the full amount of the course one week before the start of the course. Otherwise, the centre reserves the right to cancel the registration without obligation to return the registration fee, as established in the Refunds & Cancellations section below. The User will be guided through the procedure to be followed to enter into the contract, as well as to identify and correct the data provided for the conclusion of the contract through the forms created for this purpose.

Vogue College of Fashion in Spain will not archive the electronic document in which each contract is formalised. On the contrary, the User accepts these General Terms & Conditions of Contract, which will remain accessible from the Website.

The contract is formalised in Spanish, in accordance with these Conditions.

The User may consult the essential characteristics of each service through its description on the Website.


In the event of cancellation or modification of a course by Vogue College of Fashion Spain , it must notify the User at least fifteen days in advance, and will proceed to refund the total amount paid by the User.

Protection Of Personal Data

Following the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (hereinafter “RGPD) as well as Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter “LOPGDD”), Vogue College of Fashion in Spain has designed a privacy policy establishing the means and procedures necessary to carry it out.

We invite you to consult our privacy and data protection policy.

Rights & Obligations Of The Parties

1 .Obligations of Vogue College of Fashion in Spain:

Vogue College of Fashion in Spain undertakes to comply with the following contractual obligations arising from the commercial relationship with the User as a result of the User’s contracting of the services: To teach the contents of the programme for each of the courses provided with qualified teachers and appropriate teaching aids. To provide the User with the service requested by him/her with the maximum guarantees, in accordance with the provisions of the General Contract Conditions, without breaching contractual good faith.

Expressly inform the User of the existence of these Conditions prior to the start of the contracting procedure. Inform the User prior to contracting and in a concrete, clear, precise and unequivocal manner, of the specific characteristics of the services requested, such as their price and the taxes that apply where applicable.

Inform the User at least fifteen days in advance of the cancellation or modification of a course.

Make available to the User a copy of the text of these General Contract Conditions.

2. User Obligations:

For its part, the User undertakes to:

Attend classes regularly and follow the training activities to the best of your ability, following the guidelines you will receive from the teaching staff. Complete compliance with the provisions of these Conditions.

Complete the registration forms prior to the start of the contracting procedure with true and current information.

Correctly provide the bank details requested by the College.

Pay the price of the service purchased, without the filing of a claim exempting you from this obligation.

3. User Rights:

All information provided to the customer will be binding on the provider under the terms established by current legislation. Every User has the right to have the services they acquire be of the category and legal requirements contracted or of a quality that is directly proportional to the category of the establishment.

Terms & Conditions Of Use Of The Vogue College Of Fashion Spain Educational Platform

The User undertakes and guarantees to use the Website in accordance with the provisions set forth in point these General Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the applicable regulations, as well as those relating to morality and good customs. By accepting these provisions, the User undertakes to use this website and the products made available to him/her therein, in the manner and form established therein, and is obliged not to use this Website and its products for illicit purposes and/or contrary to the purposes set forth in these General Terms & Conditions, as well as in the Legal Notice provided on the Website, which could be harmful to the rights and/or interests of third parties or which in any way may damage this Website or prevent its correct operation or the products and services offered or offered on it in the future.

Likewise, the User shall refrain from obtaining the content provided on the Website through illegal or fraudulent means, theft or plagiarism, in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Code and applicable regulations.

Vogue College of Fashion in Spain reserves the right to refuse access to the Website, without prior notice, to any User who violates the provisions of these General Terms & Conditions.

For its part, the User undertakes not to make any illegal use of the contents of the Website, or any use that may cause harm to Vogue College of Fashion. Therefore, the User shall refrain, without limitation, from modifying, copying, distributing, publishing, transferring and/or selling any information or appearance concerning the Website.

1. Access Keys

In order to make use of the functionalities or services offered by this platform, the user will use the access keys (login and Passport) granted by Vogue College of Fashion as identifying and enabling elements for access to the different services offered on said platform.

2. Requirements For Use

The user must have secure and reliable internet access that allows efficient downloading of the platform. Vogue College of Fashion in Spain will not be responsible for the security of the equipment used by the user to access the application or for the availability of the service on the devices from which the user accesses it.

In any case, it is the user’s responsibility to have the appropriate tools for detecting and disinfecting malicious programmes or any other harmful computer elements. Vogue College of Fashion in Spain is not responsible for any damage caused to computer equipment during the use of the educational platform. Likewise, Vogue College of Fashion would not be responsible for data produced to users when such damage is caused by failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks that interrupt the service.

3. Platform Update

The platform may be technologically updated at any time. Updates and subsequent versions will be notified so that the user is aware and can perform the necessary operations to ensure that the application works efficiently.

4. Responsibility: Restrictions On Use

The user undertakes to use the services and content provided through the platform in accordance with the current legislation applicable to each of them, the principles of good faith and generally accepted uses.

Any use for illegal purposes and/or contrary to the content of these Conditions of Use , harmful to the interests and rights of third parties or that in any way may damage, disable, make inaccessible or deteriorate the platform, its contents or its services or intended to prevent normal enjoyment of it by users is prohibited.

Vogue College of Fashion in Spain is in no way responsible for any actions that the user may take due to improper use of the platform.

Registration on the platform in the name and on behalf of any other person without their authorisation is strictly prohibited.

The user shall be obliged to be diligent and take the necessary security measures to maintain the confidentiality of his/her password on the platform at all times. In the event that said confidentiality is altered, he/she must notify Vogue College of Fashion in Spain of any unauthorised access, improper use, misuse by third parties, loss, misplacement or theft of the password. The user undertakes to make appropriate use of the platform, as well as any information, message, graphic, drawing, sound and/or image file, photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any kind of material obtained, transmitted, disseminated or made available through it, in accordance with the law, these conditions, generally accepted morality and good customs, and Public Order. The following actions, by way of example or not, are restricted:

  • Alter or modify any part of the Platform, as well as its contents, circumvent, deactivate or manipulate in any way (or attempt to circumvent, deactivate or manipulate) the security functions or other functions of the Platform and use the Platform or its contents for commercial or advertising purposes.
  • Carry out advertising, promotional or commercial exploitation activities through the websites, or use the content and in particular the information obtained through the platform to send advertising, send messages for sales purposes or for any other commercial purpose, or to collect or store personal data of third parties.
  • Using false identities, impersonating others when using the Websites or any of the platform’s services, including the use of third party passwords or access keys or in any other way.
  • Perform any other use that alters, damages or renders useless the networks, servers, equipment, products and computer programmes of Vogue College of Fashion or third parties.
  • Introduce, store or distribute on or from the platform, any information or material that is defamatory, insulting, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, incites violence, discrimination based on religion, beliefs, ideology, race, sex or that in any way violates morality, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honour, privacy or the image of third parties and, in general, current regulations.
  • Introduce, store or distribute through the platform any computer program, data, virus, code, hardware or telecommunications equipment or any other electronic or physical instrument or device that is capable of causing damage to the use of the platform, any of the services or any of the equipment, systems or networks of Vogue College of Fashion, any user, or in general any third party. Or that in any other way is capable of causing any type of alteration or preventing their normal operation.

Limitation Of liability

Vogue College of Fashion will not be liable for any damage or impact that the user may suffer during the use of the platform due to computer viruses (malware) and other similar elements external to the domain The user must be responsible when opening external links to the platform since they are beyond the control of Vogue College of Fashion.

Vogue College of Fashion shall not be liable under any circumstances for any disruptions to the service that may occur due to failures in the data connection network of the user’s telecommunications operator.


Vogue College of Fashion in Spain understands that users who contract through its web domains acknowledge that they are of legal age. Contracts carried out by minors, in cases where prior authorisation from their parents, guardians, or legal representatives is required, will be considered responsible for the contract carried out by the minors under their care.

In the event that the form must include personal data relating to a natural person other than the person placing the order, the applicant guarantees that, prior to its inclusion, he/she has informed the person of all the details contained in these General Terms & Conditions of Contract, including the part relating to Data Protection, as well as that he/she has requested his/her consent in this regard.

Period Of Validity Of These Conditions

The validity period of these Conditions will be the time they remain published on the Website and will apply to the services acquired at the time when said Conditions were available.

In any case, Vogue College of Fashion in Spain reserves the right to modify them unilaterally, without this affecting the services contracted by the Users prior to the modification, except in those cases in which the User has changed or modified the contracted service, in which case the Conditions in force at the time of the change and/or modification will apply.

Refunds & Cancellations

Vogue College of Fashion in Spain may modify the start date or cancel a course before it begins, refunding the full amount paid by the student.

Should a student wish to cancel their registration for a course, they must notify Vogue College of Fashion in Spain in writing , at the email address indicated at the beginning of these General Terms & Conditions, within a period of no more than one month, and with justified cause. In this case, Vogue College of Fashion in Spain will proceed to partially refund the amount paid by the student. The registration fee is not refundable. If the student does not cancel under these conditions, Vogue College of Fashion in Spain will not, under any circumstances, refund the partial or total part of the course paid by the student.

The student must pay the full price of the course within one week of the start of the course, as indicated in the Payment Methods section . Otherwise, the student will not be able to attend the course, nor will Vogue College of Fashion in Spain refund any amounts paid.

If the minimum number of places required to complete a course is not met, Vogue College of Fashion in Spain will offer alternative courses to the students. If none is confirmed, in this case Vogue College of Fashion in Spain will proceed to refund the total amount paid by the student, including registration.

Nullity & Ineffectiveness Of Clauses

If any clause included in these Conditions is declared totally or partially null or ineffective, such nullity will affect only that provision or the part thereof that is null or ineffective, with the remaining Conditions remaining in force.

Jurisdiction & Applicable Legislation

The parties acknowledge that Spanish law is applicable and submit to the courts and tribunals of Madrid, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply to them.